Thursday, August 1, 2013

100 moments of summer (no. 6-36)

"A life is measured by moments like these."  ~Maggie Stiefvater

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"All that is important in this one moment is movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed or unused."  ~Martha Graham

August? Already?  How can that be? 
Time flies by...just as it always does.
It leaves moments and memories in it's wake.
Moments captured in pictures.
Memories captured in words.

Those precious summer moments.

...of clear blue skies
...of sunrises and sunsets
...of cooking together (pancakes and pasta salads and pizza)
...of trips to the beach
...of flip-flops and bare feet
...of collecting shells & driftwood
...of walks and bike rides
...of fresh produce from the farmers market & roadside stands
...of books being read on the deck, or on the beach, or at the pool
...of beautiful flowers in bloom
...of gorgeous morning light and bright afternoon shadows
...of birds and butterflies
...of boardwalk french fries
...of quiet moments
...of afternoon naps
...of rainy days
...of cups of hot tea (and glasses of ice tea, with a splash of lemonade)
...of holding hands
...of hugs
...of shopping trips
...of phone calls and text messages with friends
...of laughter
...of new friends
...of new traditions
...of music
...of trips to the local ice cream shoppe
...of learning new things
...of remembering the past
...of simplicity
...of celebrations
...of family

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