Friday, May 7, 2010

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"Lack of activity destroys the good conditions of every human being, while movement and methodical exercise save it and preserve it." ~Plato

"Wholesome exercise in the free air, under the wide sky, is the best medicine for body and spirit." ~Sarah Louise Arnold

"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united." ~Alexander von Humboldt
I am thankful that I have the capability (the ability) to exercise. I probably don't do it as much as I should, but it's important to me to get out there and "do something" every week. I go to the trainers twice a week with three friends. Not only is it good for my physical health, but it does wonders for my mental health...although we probably should spend more time actually working out and less time talking & laughing!
For the past 8 months I've been taking a yoga class once a week...and I love everything about it!
I am just one of those people (can you say 'procrastinator') that needs to take a class to stay motivated. I would like to start walking a couple of times during the week...and I also have a goal to run in a 5k race that's being held in October of this year.
Physical fitness has always had a place throughout my life so far...whether it was tennis or gymnastics or running or racquetball or skiing...and I hope that it always will.


  1. Such a lovely reminder to me! I should also try to exercise a little more! I've been thinking about taking up yoga classes but have yet to really take any action in it! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  2. Thanks Jacqueline...hope you have a great week too!


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