Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celebrating the animals of 2012...

"Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius."   ~Edward O. Wilson

"All things bright and beautiful... All creatures great and small...All things wise and wonderful:  The Lord God made them all."

In looking back at some of the photographs that I took in 2012, some of my favorites were of animals.  I took them in my yard and on my the beach and at the Disneyworld and at the the baseball fields and at a farm on the side of a road.  No matter where I took them, and no matter how big or small the animal that I photographed, I was amazed by the tiny details...whether it was the color of their fur or the texture of their skin.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Celebrating the flowers of 2012...

“I must have flowers, always, and always.”   ~Claude Monet

“People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.”   ~Iris Murdoch

A look back at some of the wonderful flowers from twenty-twelve....they were one of my favorite things to photograph.  Just me and my camera...outdoors in the sunlight...with the blue sky overhead.  Nature truly is amazing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

With gratitude to 2012...

"How easy and simple it is to live enjoyable when the simple, interminable blue of the sky, with its long wisps of white clouds, become a pleasant thing to behold, a thing of beauty that thrills you every time you care to look skyward."  ~John Schindler

Before I officially welcome in the new year, I want to take some time to say "thank you" to 2012.  Over the next couple of days I want to celebrate some of the joy and wonder that I found scattered throughout the past year.  One of the first things that I want to celebrate & remember is something that we see every day...the sky.  In 2012 the sky never ceased to amaze me.  Whether it was a clear blue sky, or a gorgeous sunset filled with clouds of pinks and oranges...the sky was truly a sight to behold.  It was a masterpiece.

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